Recent headlines of fire breakout in some hotel establishments and consequent loss of human lives have shaken the spirit of every individual. The cause for such ill fateful happenings is just not accidental but is a result of lack of awareness of general safety precautions regardless of where you live or work. In most of the instances apart from other hazards, deficiencies in the complex electrical systems often lead to catastrophic fires. A systematic approach to identify the possible deficiencies in electrical circuits and appliances and creating awareness among all and one towards possible lapses and shortcomings in equipment and appliances is of vital importance to ensure safe environment especially at living and work place. It’s therefore incumbent upon organizations to conduct safety audits including electrical safety and fire safety to comply with laws or regulations and provide a safe workplace for everyone.
“MOUNT HIM ” who have accredited experts in safety and energy audits have offered help in ensuring safety of industrial and residential establishments and identifying and correcting deficiencies in these areas of concern of safety.
Energy audit: Industrial and residential establishments incur huge amount of expenses towards energy. At the same time lot of wastage of energy take place due to in-appropriate/in-efficient appliances and equipment, which is a matter of serious concern. Hence each establishment needs to conduct an energy audit which is of vital importance and specially recommended to identify the load pattern, inefficient energy appliances, lighting, air- conditioning, pumps-motors etc. in the premises and replacing them suitably for lowering the increasing energy cost. MOUNT HIM offers the services of its energy experts and auditors who are accredited by Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE). Going by the old adage ‘what gets measured, gets managed’ attempt should be made to quantify aspects such as energy consumption and its optimization through the best technology in energy management, control and reduce the same to the best possible extent. Auditors on the panel of MOUNT HIM have conducted energy audits of numerous industrial, institutional and residential establishments and helped the utilities in adopting measures which have resulted in to cost saving of substantial order.